Investing in carbon markets
We invest in projects within the carbon market that not only compensate for a portion of the carbon emissions associated with our flights but, in many cases, also aim to provide broader community and environmental benefits both in Australia and overseas.

The Warddeken Daluk (Women) Rangers. Image credit: David Hancock.
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Our focus
Aviation is a hard-to-abate sector. Carbon credit projects outside the aviation sector that meet our internal requirements for integrity and quality, will play an ongoing role in helping us to achieve our 2030 and 2050 net emissions targets, even as alternate direct emissions reduction levers (such as sustainable aviation fuel, a more fuel-efficient fleet, and emerging technologies) become more readily available.
Supporting carbon projects outside the aviation industry, through the purchase of carbon credits, is not the same as preventing emissions from aviation. While we can calculate the estimated emissions for each route we fly, we recognise that no carbon project can provide a complete guarantee of the permanence of the emissions that a project removes from the atmosphere or a complete guarantee that the emissions avoided by a project's activities would not have occurred without the project. This may mean that the emissions associated with our operations may not be 'offset' in their entirety or in perpetuity.
The Qantas Group has invested in projects outside the aviation sector through the purchase of carbon credits for more than 10 years.
We purchase carbon credits to help meet our 2030 and 2050 net emissions targets and to meet increasing emissions regulatory requirements through the Safeguard Mechanism and Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA).
We also offer customers the opportunity to purchase carbon credits through the Fly Carbon Neutral and Qantas Future Planet programs. Any carbon credits purchased under these programs will not be used by the Qantas Group to count towards meeting our net emissions targets or our regulatory requirements.
Our Fly Carbon Neutral program also reflects our commitment to support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and flagship Australian projects. In FY24, we procured carbon credits from Arnhem Land Fire Abatement (ALFA) an Aboriginal owned, not-for-profit carbon farming business that supports Traditional Owners and rangers to utilise customary fire knowledge and skills in tandem with contemporary technology to accomplish highly sophisticated landscape-scale fire management that generates Australian Carbon Credit Units through the savanna burning methodology. Find out more about this and other projects
Overall, we're expecting to more than double our investment in the carbon market over the next five years, in order to meet growing regulatory requirements on emissions through the Safeguard Mechanism and CORSIA and to meet our 2030 and 2050 net emissions targets.
The quality and integrity of carbon projects is an important focus for Qantas. Our Integrity Framework provides scrutiny over carbon credit procurement and includes:
- purchasing from verified registries,
- due diligence/assurance from suppliers,
- ongoing monitoring and reporting,
- Investment Principles to guide carbon credit procurement, and
- Project Evaluation Framework to assess carbon credits that may be procured against the Investment Principles.
Details of our Carbon Market Strategy and Integrity Framework can be found in our Sustainability Report
Fly Carbon Neutral
Our 'tick-the-box' to Fly Carbon Neutral (FCN) program gives customers the opportunity to compensate for a portion of their flight emissions through purchasing carbon credits associated with project activities outside the aviation industry.
All customer contributions through Fly Carbon Neutral go directly to purchasing credits from projects that meet our internal requirements for integrity and quality, and cover the GST associated with such purchases.
Carbon credits purchased by customers through the Fly Carbon Neutral program are not used by Qantas Group to meet our compliance requirements or voluntary commitments.

The Warddeken Daluk (Women) Rangers. Image credit: David Hancock.
Qantas Future Planet
Our Future Planet program provides a carbon credit solution for corporate businesses to help compensate for a portion of their operational or residual emissions by supporting the purchase of carbon credits associated with project activities outside the aviation sector.
If you're a business interested in partnering with us email Qantas Future Planet
Important information
Disclaimer: * You must be a Qantas Frequent Flyer member to earn and redeem Qantas Points. A joining fee may apply. Membership, and earning and redeeming of Qantas Points are subject to the Qantas Frequent Flyer program terms and conditions Members will earn 10 Qantas Points per A$1 equivalent spent on carbon credits for eligible flights booked at The points awarded are based on the Australian dollar equivalent amount quoted at the time of booking, and are only awarded when you use cash to participate in the Fly Carbon Neutral program. The points awarded will be rounded up to the nearest point. Qantas Points can be split between two or more members within the same booking, as long as each member provides their Qantas Frequent Flyer membership number when booking. Points will be credited within eight weeks of the booking date. Any payment made for carbon credits is non-refundable even when bookings are changed or cancelled. Where a member provides both the ABN associated with their Qantas Business Rewards account and Qantas Frequent Flyer membership number at the time of booking, the points will be awarded to the business’ Qantas Business Rewards account. View full terms and conditions