Qantas to connect Dili to Darwin with essential air services

Latest News|Published 8 April 2021

Qantas has launched a direct fortnightly flight between Darwin and Dili, providing vital passenger and freight connectivity between Australia and Timor-Leste.

The national carrier will operate every second Wednesday with its Boeing 737 aircraft. The new route will operate as part of a contract awarded to Qantas by the Australian Government and follows a number of ad hoc charters the airline has operated to Dili in recent months.

A regular air service will help carry key medical personnel and essential freight and keep communities across Timor-Leste connected to Australia. It will support Timor-Leste’s response to COVID-19 and recovery efforts following the recent flood.

Many Australians are actively engaged with Timor-Leste through government development and humanitarian assistance programs, education and medical services. These flights will also carry vital medical supplies to Australia’s northern neighbour.

Travellers will be required to quarantine at Howard Springs on their return while international borders remain closed.