Australian Domestic Ticket Reissue Policy

Read this policy in conjunction with the rules of the Australian domestic fare being changed.
First reissues can be processed automatically through your GDS or Technology Partner without reference to Qantas Agency Connect.

The Qantas Agency Connect team can assist you with interpretation of the Domestic Ticket Reissue Policy, fare rules and with second and subsequent reissues.

Qantas NDC Call Out

Qantas NDC can process multiple voluntary ticket exchanges when reshopping. Any additional collection of fare, taxes, surcharges and change fees which may apply will be automatically calculated. 

Please contact your Technology Partner if further assistance is required. 

The Qantas Agency Connect team can assist you with interpretation of the Domestic Ticket Reissue Policy, fare rules and with second and subsequent reissues.

Repricing Checklist

The repricing checklist for a Qantas Domestic Ticket issued with a Qantas Domestic fare is:

1. Base Fare(s)
2. Ticket Taxes
3. Change Fee (if applicable)

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The following steps are an overview of a Domestic reissue and are for illustration purposes only:

Step 1 - Prime Ticket Issued as Below

TKT-0812434148388        RCI-                1A         LOC-LTUQSU
OD-SYDSYD  SI-      FCPI-0  POI-FRA  DOI-17JUL18  IOI-23491263 
1.SMITH/JENNY MS  ADT            S I
1 SYD QF 0401 K 16FEB 0600 OK K1QFLEX       O  16FEB16FEB 1PC
2 OMEL QF 0400 K 17FEB 0600 OK K1QFLEX      O  17FEB17FEB 1PC
FARE   FAUD 994.00
EQUIV EUR    632.00    BSR 0.635569
TOTAL    EUR   655.64
/FC SYD QF MEL497.00QF SYD497.00AUD994.00END

Step 2 - Reissue Due to Date Change on Coupon 1 – Collection of Change Fee Only

TKT-0812434148389        RCI-                      1A     LOC-LTUQSU
OD-SYDSYD  SI-      FCPI-1   POI-FRA  DOI-17JUL18  IOI-23491263
1.SMITH/JENNY MS  ADT            S I 
1  SYD QF 0401 K 16FEB 0600 OK K1QFLEX          O  16FEB16FEB 1PC 
2 OMEL QF 0498 K 18FEB 0530 OK K1QFLEX       O  18FEB18FEB 1PC 
FARE   R AUD       994.00 
EQUIV     EUR       632.00      BSR   0.635569
TOTALTAX EUR         0.00  
TAXES    PD   
TOTAL    EUR       NO ADC  
/FC SYD QF MEL497.00QF SYD497.00AUD994.00END
FO 081-2434148388FRA17JUL18/23491263/081-2434148388
TOTAL TAX   AUD      0.00 

PD01 EURAUD     8.30QR  PD02 EUR     8.30QR  PD03 EUR     7.04WG 

The above shows the breakdown of all the taxes on the ticket. As there was no additional taxes collected they are all shown as paid (PD). The MEL-SYD sector has been re-priced and the fare has not changed.

An EMD-S with the issuance code of 98I will need to be issued for the collection of the applicable Change Fee.

The EMD-S for Change Fee is receipted separately and is cross referenced to the new ticket number at the time of the change.

Step 3 - Complete Reroute Prior to Commencement of Travel

The new base fare has to be of equal / higher value. Additional fare, tax difference and Change Fee apply:

TKT-0812434148390        RCI-                  1A      LOC-LTUQSU
OD-SYDSYD  SI-      FCPI-1   POI-SYD  DOI-17JUL18  IOI-23491263
1.SMITH/JENNY MS  ADT            S I  
1  SYD QF 0575 H 16FEB 0825 OK H1FLEXD       O  16FEB16FEB 1PC   
2 OPER QF 0574 H 18FEB 0545 OK H1QFLEX     O  18FEB18FEB 1PC 
FARE   R AUD      1888.18
EQUIV     EUR      1200.00      BSR    0.635569
TOTALTAX EUR           6.18
TAX      PD   
TOTAL    EUR       574.18A  
/FC SYD QF PER948.8QF SYD939.30AUD1888.18END 
FO 081-2434148388FRA17JUL18/23491263/081-2434148389
FP O/M +/CCAXXXXXXXXXXXX1003/0419/A147522 
TOTAL TAX   EUR   6.18
TX01 EUR       6.18QR 

PD01 EUR     8.30QR  PD02 EUR     8.30QR  PD03 EUR     7.04WG 

The above example reflects the applicable ADCOL of EUR574.18 for the fare and tax difference. It also shows the breakdown of all the taxes that were previously paid (PD) on the ticket.

Fare difference  EUR568.00

Additional taxes EUR6.18

Total ADCOL        EUR574.18

Step 4 - First Coupon Has Been Flown (MEL QF PER) on the Above Ticket

The PER QF SYD coupon can be held in credit for up to 12 months from the date of original ticket issue.

This coupon cannot be used towards another SYD QF PER, as you cannot have the same city pairs more than once in the same direction in the Fare Construction.


Ticket fare construction will be SYD QF PER QF BNE

TKT-0812434148402        RCI-                   1A      LOC-LTUQSU
OD-SYDBNE  SI-      FCPI-2   POI-FRA  DOI-17JUL18  IOI-23491263
1.SMITH/JENNY MS  ADT            S I
1 OPER QF 0654 Y 19FEB 0815 OK YQFLEX        O  19FEB19FEB 1PC 
FARE   R AUD      1906.38
EQUIV     EUR       1211.00    BSR    0.635569
TOTALTAX EUR          1.63
TAX      PD
TOTAL    EUR         12.63A
/FC SYD QF PER948.88QF BNE956.50AUD1906.38END
FO 081-2434148390FRA17JUL18/23491263/081-2434148390
FP O/M +/CCAXXXXXXXXXXXX1003/0419/A159732
TOTAL TAX   EUR     1.63
TX01 EUR  1.63QR  

PD01 EUR     8.30QR  PD02 EUR     8.30QR  PD03 EUR     7.04WG 

The above ticket reflects the applicable ADCOL of EUR12.63 for the fare and tax difference. It also shows the breakdown of all the taxes that were previously paid (PD) on the ticket.

Fare difference  EUR11.00

Additional taxes EUR1.63

Total ADCOL        EUR12.63

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When servicing NDC bookings

Voluntary changes via the Qantas Distribution platform use NDC REshop. There are two types of re-shopping available:

  1. Flight Specific reshopping uses a standard shopping request to identify new flights that your customer wants.
  2. True (Origin and Destination) re-shopping chooses from a range of new flight options provided by the Qantas Distribution Platform.

You will select the flight option your customer requires and confirm the change. Your Technology Partner will complete the REshop to calculate the fare and tax difference, and once payment details are entered, the tickets are automatically reissued/exchanged.

Policy Information

When to Reprice Domestic Fares

Qantas Domestic Fares must be repriced after a change has been made to a ticketed flight. If the Base Fare and/or Ticket Taxes have increased, the ticket must be reissued and the additional Base Fare and/or Ticket Taxes collected.

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Repricing Checklist

The repricing checklist for a Qantas Domestic Ticket issued with a Qantas Domestic fare is:

1. Base Fare(s)
2. Ticket Taxes
3. GST applied to the total of the above (Base Fare and Ticket Taxes)
4. Change Fee (if applicable) plus GST

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Base Fares

When reassessing a ticket, the Base Fare value must be equal or higher. All new fare conditions must be met.

Before or After Departure Fare Components Changing Fare Components Not Changing
Base fares are 
repriced as 
Current Fares
Base Fares are 
assessed as 
Historical Fares
  • Multiple Qantas Domestic Fares and single sector tickets can be used as credit towards payment of a new single segment ticket provided that the new Base Fare is of equal or higher value than the total combined value of the Base Fares on the original ticket.
  • A single sector ticket can be used as credit towards a new ticket with multiple combined fares, provided the value of the combined fares of the new ticket are of equal or higher value than the Base Fare of the original ticket.
  • When reassessing the value available for exchange to the new ticket, any unchanged or used fares are carried forward to the new ticket.

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Reissue Buffer

If after repricing the Base Fare and/or Ticket Taxes have increased or decreased by a total of no more than A$1.99, the following is permitted:

Flex and Business Fares

  • If the booking class, fare basis and routing remain the same, the ticket may be revalidated at the original Base Fare and/or Ticket Taxes.
  • If the booking class and routing remain the same but the fare basis has changed, the ticket must be reissued at the original Base Fare and/or Ticket Taxes, with the new fare basis code.

Red e-Deal Fares

  • If the booking class, fare basis and routing remain the same the ticket must be reissued at the original Base Fare and/or Ticket Taxes. If the fare basis has changed the new code must be shown on the ticket.Revalidation is not permitted as the change fee collected by EMD-S must be associated to a new ticket number. 

Ticket Credit

When a Ticket Credit is used towards a reissued ticket, all conditions of the original ticket must be met. Any flown sectors must be included in the fare calculation of the reissued ticket.

When reissuing a ticket that is partly used, use Historical fares for the flown sectors and use current fares for the new sectors. All tickets must be issued in the coupon sequence to be travelled.

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Multiple Sectors for the Same City Pair in the Same Direction

Multiple sectors for the same city pair, in the same direction, are not permitted on the same ticket unless the applicable route map and the Fare Construction Points containing the duplicate sectors are different. This includes any previous reissued tickets.

For example:

A customer holds a ticket SYD QF CNS200.00 QF SYD200.00 and the SYD CNS has been flown. The customer now wishes to fly MEL QF CNS via SYD using the value of their CNS SYD coupon.

The CNS SYD coupon can be used towards this journey as the Fare Construction Points are MEL CNS and the duplicate SYD CNS sector is allowed because the route map between MEL and CNS permits travel via SYD.

The Fare Construction on the ticket will show:  SYD QF CNS200.00 /- MEL QF X/SYD QF CNS250.00.

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Change Fees

Change Fee Application

  • Change Fees for flights and Name Changes apply:
    ◦ Per customer per ticket at the time of reissue and include GST.
    ◦ In addition to any difference in fare and/or Ticket Taxes, fees and carrier charges collected at the time of reissue.
    ◦ According to the fare rules of the fare component being changed. The Change Fee is charged at the date of issue of the current Ticket, including any reissues.
  • The Name Change fee, if applicable, is collected in addition to the Change Fee of the Fare Component being changed. 
  • If a change is being made to more than one Fare Component in a single transaction, the highest most restrictive Change Fee Applies to the entire transaction. This includes combined Qantas and Jetstar fares.
  • If, where permitted, the ticket contains Jetstar only fares, change fees are collected in accordance with Jetstar fare rules.
  • When a Domestic KIX Fare is combined end-on-end with an International fare, the International Fare rules and Change Fees apply.

Change Fee Collection

In all instances where a Change Fee applies in accordance with a ticketed fare, the ticket must be reissued and the Change Fee receipted separately from the ticket using EMD-S. The EMD-S must:

  • Be issued per customer
  • Be raised at the time of Reissue
  • Be cross referenced to the new ticket number
  • Show GST separately as a ‘UO’ amount

Change Fee Codes

The Change Fee for EMD-S is identified using the following codes:

  • Service Code: ‘REIS’
  • RFIC: ‘D’
  • RFISC: ‘98I’ (note this is the letter I)

For tickets containing Jetstar Group only fares, where permitted, the following codes apply:

  • Service Code: ‘PENF’
  • RFIC: ‘D’; and
  • RFISC: ‘993’

Goods and Services Tax (GST)

When an EMD-S is issued for a change being made to a Domestic ticket, the GST component is shown separately as a ‘UO’ amount.

For example: A Change Fee of A$99 is shown on the EMD-S as Change Fee = A$90 + A$9UO.


Change Fees are non-commissionable.

Multiple Change Fees

When multiple Change Fees apply, individual EMDs are not required.

  • A single EMD-S is required to be issued for each customer for multiple Change Fees
  • The EMD-S payment is a lump sum of the of the combined total of the Change Fees applicable
  • No breakdown is required
  • If GST applies, show separately as a lump sum ’UO’ amount

Residual Values

Qantas is enabled for the use of Residual Value for Refund (RSVR) functionality with most GDS systems or Technology Partners. RSVR allows the remaining amount on a ticket (excluding GST) to be used as credit towards payment of Change Fees as well as Fare/Ticket Taxes on a new ticket. RSVR is facilitated by an EMD-S using the RFIC D and RFICS 996. If travel agents require any further information on the use of RSVR please direct your request to your GDS provider or Technology Partner.

If technically not possible in your GDS or Technology Partner, you will need to collect payment for the Change Fee and issue an EMD-S.

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Ticket Taxes

Before Departure and After Departure

Before or After Departure Fare Components Changing Fare Components Not Changing
Taxes are 
repriced as 
Current values
Taxes are 
assessed as 
Historical values

Residual Value

Residual unused Ticket Taxes (excluding GST) may be used as credit towards Base Fares and different Ticket Taxes on the new ticket. If there is any residual value remaining, this can be refunded.

Goods and Services Tax (GST) - Code 'UO'

GST is applicable to Fares, Ticket Taxes, Fees and Carrier Charges for Domestic travel within Australia. It is based on the total value of the original Domestic ticket, i.e. Base Fare plus Ticket Taxes. GST is shown on the ticket using the Ticket Tax code ‘UO’ and is calculated at 10% of the total Base Fare and Taxes on a ticket. GST is also applicable to the Change Fee when tickets are reissued and is calculated at 10% of the Change Fee.

When a ticket is reissued, GST is not applied to the full value of the ticket; only to the additional collection of:

  • Base Fare
  • Ticket Taxes

GST already collected cannot be used as credit towards any additional payment when the ticket is reissued and must be carried forward to the new ticket.

GST Exemption

GST does not apply to Domestic travel within Australia when it is part of a Journey involving international air travel. The Domestic flight sectors within Australia must be either issued on the same ticket or cross referenced to the International ticket.

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Handy Hints and Examples

Handy Hints

The following hints will help you with the reissue of domestic tickets:

  • Domestic fares within Australia are sold as one way fares
  • All travel on domestic tickets must be completed within 12 months of original ticket issue
  • Multiple sectors for the same city pairs are not permitted on the same ticket. Example: SYD-MEL-SYD-MEL-SYD
  • Qantas Domestic fares must be repriced after a change has been made to a ticketed flight
  • Revalidation is permitted if no change fee or additional fare/tax applies
  • Change Fees are collected via EMD-S using service code  REIS,  RFIC: D and RFISC code 98I
  • Qantas fares cannot be reissued to Jetstar fares and vice versa

Refer here for an explanation of Key Definitions used in this document.

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The following steps are an overview of a Domestic reissue and are for illustration purposes only:

Step 1 - Prime Ticket Issued as Below

TKT-0811230000000        RCI-                         LOC-3QF2QF
OD-SYDSYD  SI-      FCPI-2   POI-SYD  DOI-10FEB17  IOI-02392000 
1.SMITH/JENNY MS  ADT            S I
1 MEL QF 0418 N 16FEB 0900 OK NPTDEAL       O  16FEB16FEB 1PC
2 OSYD QF 0443 K 17FEB 1500 OK KQFLEX      O  17FEB17FEB 1PC
FARE   FAUD 680.15
TOTAL    AUD       797.51
/FC MEL QF SYD191.07QF MEL489.08AUD680.15END

Step 2 - Reissue Due to Date Change on Coupon 1 – Collection of Change Fee Only

TKT-0811230000001        RCI-                         LOC-3QF2QF
OD-SYDSYD  SI-      FCPI-2   POI-SYD  DOI-12FEB17  IOI-02392000
1.SMITH/JENNY MS  ADT            S I 
1  MEL QF 0418 N 15FEB 0900 OK NPTDEAL       O  16FEB16FEB 1PC 
2 OSYD QF 0443 K 17FEB 1730 OK KQFLEX       O  18FEB18FEB 1PC 
FARE   R AUD       680.15 
TOTALTAX AUD         0.00  
TAXES    PD   
TOTAL    AUD       NO ADC  
/FC MEL QF SYD191.07QF MEL489.08AUD680.15END
FO 081-1230000000SYD14FEB17/02392000/081-1230000000 

TOTAL TAX   AUD      0.00 

PD01 AUD     16.90QR  PD02 AUD     16.90QR  PD03 AUD     11.06WG 
PD04 AUD     72.50UO

The above shows the breakdown of all the taxes on the ticket. As there was no additional taxes collected they are all shown as paid (PD). The MEL-SYD sector has been re-priced and the fare has not changed.

An EMD-S with the issuance code of 98I will need to be issued for the collection of the applicable Change Fee.

The EMD-S for Change Fee is receipted separately and is cross referenced to the new ticket number at the time of the change.

Step 3 - Complete Reroute Prior to Commencement of Travel

The new base fare has to be of equal / higher value. Additional fare, tax difference and Change Fee apply:

TKT-0811230000002        RCI-                         LOC-3QF2QF
OD-SYDSYD  SI-      FCPI-2   POI-SYD  DOI-15FEB17  IOI-02392000
1.SMITH/JENNY MS  ADT            S I  
1  MEL QF 0485 Q 16FEB 0905 OK QPTDEAL       O  16FEB16FEB 1PC   
2 OPER QF 0776 K 18FEB 1715 OK KQFLEX         O  18FEB18FEB 1PC 
FARE   R AUD       782.15
TAX      AUD        10.20UO
TAX      PD   
TOTAL    AUD       112.20A  
/FC MEL QF PER241.05QF MEL541.10AUD782.15END 
FO 081-1230000000SYD14FEB17/02392000/081-1230000001
FP O/M +/CCAXXXXXXXXXXXX1003/0419/A147522 

TOTAL TAX   AUD     10.20
TX01 AUD    10.20UO 

PD01 AUD     16.90QR  PD02 AUD     16.90QR  PD03 AUD     11.06WG 
PD04 AUD     82.70UO

The above example reflects the applicable ADCOL of A$112.20 for the fare and tax difference. It also shows the breakdown of all the taxes that were previously paid (PD) on the ticket.

Fare difference is A$102

There are no additional taxes, except for the applicable GST (UO) on the fare difference, which is shown above as A$10.20UO.


Step 4 - First Coupon Has Been Flown (MEL QF PER) on the Above Ticket

The PER QF MEL coupon can be held in credit for up to 12 months from the date of original ticket issue.

This coupon cannot be used towards another MEL QF PER, as you cannot have the same city pairs more than once in the same direction in the Fare Construction.

Ticket fare construction will be MEL QF PER QF BNE

TKT-0811230000003        RCI-                         LOC-3QF2QF
OD-SYDSYD  SI-      FCPI-2   POI-SYD  DOI-17FEB17  IOI-02392000
1.SMITH/JENNY MS  ADT            S I
1 OPER QF 0654 K 19FEB 0815 OK KQFLEX        O  19FEB19FEB 1PC 
FARE   R AUD       844.55
TAX      AUD        14.88XT
TAX      PD
TOTAL    AUD        77.28A
/FC MEL QF PER241.05QF BNE603.50AUD844.55END
FO 081-1230000000SYD14FEB17/02392000/081-1230000002
FP O/M +/CCAXXXXXXXXXXXX1003/0419/A159732

TOTAL TAX   AUD     14.88
TX01 AUD    7.03UO TX02 AUD  7.85QR
PD01 AUD     16.90QR  PD02 AUD     16.90QR  PD03 AUD     11.06WG 
PD04 AUD     92.90UO

The above ticket reflects the applicable ADCOL of A$77.28 for the fare and tax difference. It also shows the breakdown of all the taxes that were previously paid (PD) on the ticket.

Fare difference is A$62.40 with additional tax of A$7.85QR to be collected.

TOTAL A$70.25

GST of 10% is applicable on the fare difference and additional tax, which is shown above as A$7.03UO


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Key Definitions

ADCOL is the abbreviation for additional fare and /or tax collection.

After Departure applies to any time after commencement of travel, i.e. when the ticket has been partially used.

Base Fare means the sum of all the components shown in the ‘fare construction’ field on the ticket.

Before Departure applies to any time before commencement of travel, i.e. when the ticket is wholly unused.

Change Fees are fees that may be applicable when a change is permitted by the fare rule.

Current means fares, fees or taxes applicable on the date the ticket is reissued.

Domestic means travel within Australia only.

EMD-S means Electronic Miscellaneous Document-Stand Alone.

Fare Basis is the code that identifies the fare rule being used.

Fare Construction Points (sometimes known as Fare Break Points) are the points at which the fare components are separated.

Fare Component refers to the portion of the Journey between the Fare Construction Points.

Historical means fares, fees or taxes applicable on the date of original ticket issue.

International means travel between two countries, this includes any domestic sectors that form part of the International Journey.

Journey refers to the grouped fares in the fare construction on the ticket – that is, all of the sectors together that cover the end-to-end travel.

KIX fare is a domestic fare that can only be sold in conjunction with an International fare and must be shown on the same ticket as the International fare.

Name Change means the Reissue of an unused ticket to another person’s name.

Qantas Domestic Tickets are tickets validated to Qantas (QF-081) for travel wholly within Australia.

Reissue means replacement of an existing air ticket with a new air ticket.

Re-Routing means a change in the origin, destination, transit, or stopovers originally ticketed.

Revalidation means any change in flight number, date, and/or time only, with all other features of the journey unchanged, including price.

Ticket Taxes are all taxes, fees, levies and charges on an airline ticket, including amounts imposed by airports and taxing authorities, regardless of whether a fare is payable for the ticket and exclude carrier imposed fees.

Ticket Credit means any unused value of a ticket that may be used as a credit towards payment of a new ticket.

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